An overview of a letter drafted by Herb Dunton Barrister & Solicitor addressed to the BC Nurses’ Union Interim President, Aman Grewal, and BCNU Council
Re: Public Health Orders issued on September 13, 2021, requiring nurses to be ‘vaccinated’ by October 26, 2021
“I am writing to you on behalf of my clients, a large and growing group of nurses who are members of your union. My clients have retained my services to assist them in understanding the law and in presenting their requests to you for BCNU’s support and representation against the “vaccine”1 mandate of a ruthless employer, the BC Government and its agencies and contractors. “
Stressing that his clients are not ‘anti-vaxxers’, having all received vaccinations in the past. But they are asserting their legal right personally, and BCNU’s legal right on behalf of the membership, to refuse injections of experimental medicines known to cause harm.
Mr. Dunton again cites his counterarguments as to why these employment contracts concerning employee vaccinations are invalid:
- Vaccine re-defined
- Incomplete trials
- Vaccine death and injury
- Doctor’s Note {– Article 32.02 requires a member’s physician to advise in writing of potential adverse effects. That requirement cannot remain in effect where the employer has changed the definition of vaccine, clinical trials have not been completed, excessive risk of death and injury has already been established – and the employer has threatened the doctors with regulatory action if they fail to promote the government’s agenda. }
- Nevertheless, many doctors have voiced their opposition to the government’s Covid-19 policies, such as the 500 doctors of the Canadian Covid Care Alliance in their publication of September 24, 2021, Covid-19 Canadian Covid Care Alliance Declaration.
Mr. Dunton’s humble Request – My clients request that BCNU:
- Advocate – Support, represent, and advocate for them against the mandatory vaccination program of the BC government in relation to SARS-CoV-2.
- Refuse – Tell the employer plainly that the vaccine mandate is wrong by any standard, and refuse to comply.
- Meeting – Meet with my clients to discuss their concerns.
- Unite – Take coordinated action across the labour union movement to stop the
employers’ abusive vaccine mandate program.
Mr. Dunton gives credit to the BC Nurses Union stating: Historically, BCNU has maintained a commitment to its members’ human rights and liberties as confirmed in its Constitution of 2019, at Article II, Objectives:
2.06 To champion the social determinants of health and the highest standards of safe health care for all.
2.07 To promote human rights and equity […]
*Clearly, the vaccine mandate violates the human rights and liberties of your members.
“My clients implore BCNU to take up their cause, which is your duty, against a ruthless employer bent on the decimation of their civil rights and freedoms, and possibly their very lives and health. “